Hanger Clips

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How does a President sink his own ship?

By hiring someone who said recently that "racism no longer exists."


Yes Mr. President. You picked a real winner there. Way to go. Great choice for the new face of the White House.

Time to fire the incompetent staff members who approved this decision without, apparently, bothering to do any background checks. When someone has been on TV for 10 years, as part of a political talk show, ON FOX NEWS, it's pretty much inevitable that they said something stupid at one point or another.



  • Yeah- and this is the president who has a two-fold response to the rising gasoline costs.
    1. take back the 2 billion tax breaks he had offered to the very profitable oil companies (Great move but why did he offer them that in the first place?) and
    2. soften or waive the clean air rules.
    Go figure- I've given up on this guy totally.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:21 AM  

  • Yup. And now Republican Senators want to bribe the population (in the hope of boosting Bush's approval ratings? Or their own chances of being re-elected?) with $100 gas rebate checks. What a brilliant idea that is! There are 298,609,715 people in the US, according to the US Census Bureau. Now, presumably the goverment would only cash one check per family, or maybe only one check per person over age 17. So, I am guessing they are not envisaging writing 298 million checks. So, let's reduce the number by a third, to about 200 million. Multiply that by 100 and you get $20,000,000,000. That's 20 billion dollars! If they issue checks to only 100 million people, that would still be 10 billion dollars. Makes a lot of sense to me... increase the national debt even more while doing absolutely nothing at all to solve the problem. Sure, $100 is nice, but that's probably only 2 tanks of gas. And it doesn't reduce the price at the pumps, and it doesn't provide any kind of long term solution. But it does increase the national debt even more. The Republican way of thinking is just insanity right now.

    By Blogger Jonathan Ziman, at 8:50 AM  

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