Hanger Clips

Friday, July 22, 2005

Why history matters

I've never been a fan of history. Honestly, it has always bored me to tears. I have these horrible memories of stuffy old teachers droning on and on about people, places and events that have no connection to anything at all. We were forced to memorize endless dates and facts, and then take stupid multiple-choice tests that were specifically designed to confuse us. Was that 450,000 men killed in the battle of 1454 in Bass-sous-le-change? Or 540,000 men killed in the battle of 1544 in Bras-sur-le-change? Who knows? Who cares?

I avoided all history classes in college, so you can imagine my dismay when I discovered that I would have to take at least one, and maybe more, Christian history classes at seminary. I feel sleep coming on just thinking about it.


Then I read this article by a history prof over at Bethel, and it changed my attitude entirely. Basically, he says that theology without action is dead, and history is where we see theology put into action, where we see and read and learn about real faith acted out in real ways by real people. And that’s where meaning, purpose and understanding come from.

I’m still a bit hesitant about taking history classes again, but I can see some good reasons for doing so now.


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