Hanger Clips

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Desperately Seeking Fiction

I needs me a good break from non-fiction, philosophy, and theology. But, I knows not where to go for a good book.

Any suggestions? I am looking for quality fiction, not airport junk reading. Can be old or new.

In January someone suggested to me that I read "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. Looks interesting, but, that's all I have so far by way of suggestions. I figure someone out there must have some thoughts about a good novel or 3 to read this summer.


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  • Hi, Jonathan. I just read your post on looking for fiction. This summer, my sister is helping to lead a reading group that will meet Thu. nights every 2 weeks (in Deerfield). We are starting with Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. I don't know if you might be able to come, but you are heartily invited. Only downside: the first meeting is tomorrow night (however, the first assignment is only about 100 pages). If you are interested, contact me for details . . .

    By Blogger DWright, at 5:49 PM  

  • I'm sure you've read the Susan Howatch series- if not- that's great reading- 6 in the series- but she also wrote a novel called Wheel of Fortune which is good but then there's a kicker on the very last page- after she completes the novel that is truly amazing.
    Thornton Wilder is a fun easy read- The Eighth Day and we just finished reading Theophilus North- now sadly out of print but perhaps you could find it in a library?
    ANd have you read Chaim Potok? I've enjoyed all his books.
    LEt me know if you've read these and I'll try to come up with some others!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:16 AM  

  • So, I have to admit I have not heard of Susan Howatch. The name reminds me of Hogwarts and Harry Potter. Are they mystery novels?

    Also, I have heard of Thornton Wilder but never read anything by him. I had in my head he was a poet or a playwright or something.

    And alas, I have not heard of Chaim Potok either. :-(

    I did go to the library yesterday though and checked out The Kite Runner. Once I'm done with that I'll look to see if they have anything by Susan Howatch or Chaim Potok.

    Thanks for the suggestions!

    By Blogger Jonathan Ziman, at 11:13 AM  

  • Chaim Potok wrote several books - mostly about growing up Jewish in America right after WWII- they're an easy read- and give insights into the various sects of Judiasm. The Chosen, The PRomise - Davita's Harp - THe gift of Asher Lev, The Promise of Asher Lev.- easy reads and interesting.
    Susan Howatch- My brother Jack recommended them to me- great books- good to read in order- about the Anglican church in England around the turn of the century.
    ANd I forgot to tell you about Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Great fun books about a fantasy world but cleverly written and with countless references with fun distortions to our world/culture. - THis should all keep you busy for the summer.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:30 AM  

  • I heard on a Mars Hill Audio tape a few years ago that in midlife one should reread the classics. I did this and had a great time. I read them from a very different perspective. Count of Monte Cristo, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Miserables, Treasure Island, Robinson Cruseau, (unabridged with all the Christian content), Tolstoy: Ressurection, Anna Karenina, War and Peace (Woody Allen: I took a speed reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It's about war.) I have a difficult time reading Doesteovsky but still managed Crime and Punishment. I have not yet reread Mark Twain. Really, it is like reading a new book and so much more pleasing than the twinkie books.

    And I do affirm Lee's choices. I just reread the Susan Howatch novels this year, eleven years after I read them for the first time, and they spoke meaningfully to me again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:45 PM  

  • Despite the authors' more liberal leanings, how about Gilead by Marilynne Robinson or Godric by Frederick Buechner?

    By Blogger Patrick Chan, at 10:04 PM  

  • Try Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. it will exercise you in each of the areas you are trying to avoid...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:02 PM  

  • I may have just the fiction you need.

    Please read my post about Yeshua HaMashiach.


    Thank you,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:46 AM  

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