Hanger Clips

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Forget American Idol. I saw U2 perform live on Conan O'Brien the other night and they were amazing. First of all, they've been together as a band for 29 years now. (Which, by the way, is better than 50% of marriages). Secondly, Bono has a really amazing voice. I am not an expert, but I know enough to say that he has amazing control and range. Really amazing control. And this was for a live performance on TV, which usually sucks. Thirdly, well I can't think of a thirdly. But, these guys rock. Yeah, they're old, yeah they've had their ups and downs, yeah, you may not like all their lyrics, or their lifestyle, or whatever. Who cares. Sometimes you have to put that stuff aside and just admire the raw (God-given) musical gifts.

Time to laugh

I hate link referrals to "funny websites." Except when I think they are actually funny. Like this one. And with Halloween costume parties just around the corner, I feel this is appropriate.

Warning: some of these photos and captions made me snort with laughter. If you value your computer at all, do not drink and click at the same time.

Parade of Unfortunate Star Wars Costumes

Monday, October 10, 2005

What do you do with vodka?

OK, I've tried drinking it straight (in college, with disastrous consequences), and I've tried mixing it with OJ or tomato juice (not so palatable after my college experiences with drinking it straight), and I've even tried using it to flambé food (and almost set the kitchen on fire in the process). But now I have it - the perfect use for vodka that doesn't involve inebriation, burning frypans, or sarcasm...

Baked penne pasta with a tomato vodka cream sauce.

This is not "just another recipe". This meal is off-the-charts-good. It was my birthday yesterday and my wonderful, creative and talented wife made a giant batch of this for the family, and it was just outstanding. I know, this is a heavily biased opinion, but so is my entire blog. I'm not trying to be obejctive. But let me tell you this - this meal is now in my top 5 of favorite meals of all time.

Seriously, this is worth going through the hassle of printing it out, buying the ingredients and making it yourself at home. It is awesome.

So, a big shout-out to Emeril for creating it, and a HUGE THANK YOU to my amazing wife for making it for me. I love you!

And, finally, I have found a reason to warrant buying vodka.

In tomorrow's episode we will discuss the sumptuous dessert the followed up the perfect pasta, so stay tuned.