Hanger Clips

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Forget American Idol. I saw U2 perform live on Conan O'Brien the other night and they were amazing. First of all, they've been together as a band for 29 years now. (Which, by the way, is better than 50% of marriages). Secondly, Bono has a really amazing voice. I am not an expert, but I know enough to say that he has amazing control and range. Really amazing control. And this was for a live performance on TV, which usually sucks. Thirdly, well I can't think of a thirdly. But, these guys rock. Yeah, they're old, yeah they've had their ups and downs, yeah, you may not like all their lyrics, or their lifestyle, or whatever. Who cares. Sometimes you have to put that stuff aside and just admire the raw (God-given) musical gifts.


  • THis has nothing to do with the U2 concert - but I just read an article in the WashingtonPost on line- by Yuki Noguchi- dated 11/4/05- and your blog site has been "splogged" - false advertising in the guise of comments. It's a relatively new phenomena- and Google, etc. are trying to block it- but that's what happened with a few of your previous postings- death of your grandmother and someone tried to sell you life insurance I think? It can be more of a problem when you open up your comments and are identified as targets for their advertising. Lee

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:50 AM  

  • Thanks Lee. That's interesting. "I've been splogged." Kind of weird sounding. What was the term from the movie Ghostbusters? Oh yeah, "I've been slimed." Seems like the same thing to me. I feel all icky after reading some of the spam.

    Anyway, I enacted this new word verification thingy that blogger recommended, so now you can still post anonymously, but you have to type in the secret word of the day to post your comment. Seems to have helped.

    By Blogger Jonathan Ziman, at 11:10 PM  

  • I agree, I saw the band on Conan and just thought they did an amazing job. It was great to here Original of the Species live since they didn't play it in Chicago when I was there in September.

    By Blogger BMW, at 4:04 PM  

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