Hanger Clips

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Or what?

CNN reports that the UN wants Iran to stop work on activities that could lead to the production of nuclear weapons.

To which the Iranians will no doubt be thinking, "Or what?"

They don't care if the US or anyone else imposes sanctions.

After the Iraq war debacle nobody is going to be invading Iran any time soon.

So, what exactly does the UN plan to do?

It's like that old Robin WIlliams impersonation of a British policeman trying to arrest a bank robber:

"Stop! Or I'll say 'Stop!' again!"


  • Personally I dont think either Iran nor North Korea will give up their nuclear programs. What else do these two countries have to hold over the other countries in the world. Korea for example, how would they get any attention from the international community otherwise? They are not economically tied with anyone, they have no political voice on the world arena, all they have is the nuclear bombs. And they know better than to give them up. Iran is even more motivated, given the situation in Iraq and in the Middle East generally. Plus their policy is openly hostile towards Israel who on their side, refuse to make an oficial statement about the Jewish State's nuclear weapon capability. Their actual response I believe is that they 'neither confirm, nor deny' possesion of nuclear arms.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:10 AM  

  • Which reminds me of a song...

    There was a folk singer satirist in the 60s and 70s who wrote a bunch of really clever, really funny songs on themes varying from the Periodic Table of the Elements to Pollution to World War III.

    In particular he wrote one song called "Who's Next?", which was all about nuclear proliferation. It's not the same to just read the lyrics, but I can't find a legal recording to link to, so lyrics will have to suffice:


    By Blogger Jonathan Ziman, at 10:36 AM  

  • By Blogger Jonathan Ziman, at 10:36 AM  

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