Hanger Clips

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Persecution as Entertainment

I must be getting cynical. I just saw this announcement written on the whiteboard in my classroom:

Free pizza lunch
with Persecuted Bulgarian pastor
Mon Nov 14th 12:00-1:30
Here in this room

I think this should be re-written to more explicitly state what the current phrasing implies:

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, step right up, step right up...

Next Monday, here, in this place, for one hour ONLY, come and see a REAL, LIVE persecuted pastor!

Yes, that's right, a persecuted pastor, here, in this room, and IN THE FLESH!

You heard me right! I am talking about an actual pastor from the persecuted church!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see an actual persecuted pastor from the strange mythical country of BULGARIA! It really does exist!

You've read the stories, now see one of them with YOUR OWN EYES!

You're kids will be amazed! Your spouse won't believe you! Your colleagues will be jealous!

And to top it all off, we'll be having FREE PIZZA FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!"


  • I think that the cyncism also comes when someone has to offer free pizza to get people to come hear a pastor talk about his experiences being persecuted. It's like at my school when we have a mandatory assembly to hear a Jewish holocaust surivor speak. That shouldn't have to be mandatory.

    But it is.


    By Blogger David Tieche, at 1:42 PM  

  • Maybe he can unbutton his shirt for a close up of his prison scars...over dessert.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:22 PM  

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