Hanger Clips

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Lewis Debate?

Well, here I am again, confused about what I have missed recently. My buddy Dave was asking me last night what my thoughts were on John Piper. Specifically because Piper has made some comments about CS Lewis that are not exactly flattering. Which is odd for both Dave and I, who generally hold CS Lewis in high esteem. Did we miss something? Was there some lesser known sequel to Mere Christianity called Merely Christianity?

Perusing the web I came across this blog entry from February 2005, about CS Lewis.

It doesn't answer my questions, but does offer some interesting perspective. Most of the comments at the bottom of the blog entry are kind of blah, but if you are interested, scroll down to the very bottom, starting with this one: "Posted by: Joel Thomas | February 15, 2005", and then this one: "Posted by: keith | February 14, 2005" and then this one: "Posted by: Terry | February 14, 2005".

Then, if you interested in this topic, leave a comment. I'm curious to know what, specifically, people like Piper consider to be so bad about Lewis?

(The photo has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that I am still reeling from the freezing... excuse me, below-freezing... temperatures here in Chicago today. I'm not cut out for this.)


Yes, I know, I'm making a big deal out of nothing. But listen. We've lived in paradise for the last 7 years. When I see on TV that there's a "high" of 27 degrees, and I step outside and the snow is falling horizontally because the wind is so strong, well, I don't know what to do with myself.

So I take photos. And this is what happened to our daughter's sidewalk chalk overnight.

Yesterday morning, in the dark gloom before the snow, our daughter opened the blinds in our kitchen and looked outside. With a puzzled look on her face she turned to me and said, "Papa... um, I don't understand. It's daytime, but, but...where is the sun?"

Now, how am I supposed to answer that one?

Winter has arrived

According to the weather channel it is 28 degrees outside right now. With snow flurries. Meanwhile, in our old home town of San Jose, CA, it is forecast to be 73 degrees today, and sunny. Of course. I am not sure we're ready for this.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


My dad took this photo yesterday from his balcony overlooking the River Thames, in England. Pretty amazing sunset.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Just how big is God anyways?

I just met an interesting guy named Chris. He was sitting in a traffic jam the other day, frustrated with all the cars on the road, when it hit him that in every car was somebody as unique and complex as himself. That might sound obvious, but have you ever stopped to consider that God is working in the lives of every person you meet? All those eye-opening moments in your life, all those little revelations you experience, all those minor miracles God brings into your life– they aren’t unique to you. They may be uniquely tailored to your specific set of circumstances, but you aren’t the only person experiencing those kinds of events.

That moment of perspective was eye-opening for Chris, and for me also. I know that I get so wrapped in my own story sometimes that I forget the big picture. Yes, God is working in miraculous ways in my life, often without me knowing or understanding why, but I’m not the only one. He is simultaneously working in the hearts and minds of just about everyone else around me. Talk about a reality check! I sing about God’s power every Sunday, and frequently meditate on his grace and mercy in prayer, but it’s all too easy to forget what those words mean, and just how big God really is. Funny how sitting in a traffic jam can give you a little glimpse of what is really going on in the world.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

More U2

My buddy Dave just went to see U2 in concert and he can’t stop going on about how good it was. Not that I can blame him – I am sure it amazing. I’m just jealous I can’t go. Now we have 2 kids it’s a bit hard to go to rock concerts.

Anyway, I just dug up my original CD of The Joshua Tree. Inside was a ticket stub from a U2 concert. In March 1992. Man I suddenly feel old.

So buried in a moment of nostalgia, I started reading the lyrics in the CD booklet. And here's something bizarre. I was looking at the lyrics for "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". In the CD it says:

I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in her fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire

But if you look at the lyrics as displayed on the official U2 website, it says:

I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in her finger tips
It burned like fire
(I was) burning inside her.

The meaning of the last line has changed a little bit, don't you think?

A great song either way around though.

Friday, November 11, 2005

How to Read a Newspaper

If you want to read newspaper articles online, you have to register first. Which, honestly, I am sick of doing.

So, here's what you do. Go to http://www.bugmenot.com and enter the URL of the news site you want to read. The site then gives you a username and password to use to get access. Perfecto.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Persecution as Entertainment

I must be getting cynical. I just saw this announcement written on the whiteboard in my classroom:

Free pizza lunch
with Persecuted Bulgarian pastor
Mon Nov 14th 12:00-1:30
Here in this room

I think this should be re-written to more explicitly state what the current phrasing implies:

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, step right up, step right up...

Next Monday, here, in this place, for one hour ONLY, come and see a REAL, LIVE persecuted pastor!

Yes, that's right, a persecuted pastor, here, in this room, and IN THE FLESH!

You heard me right! I am talking about an actual pastor from the persecuted church!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see an actual persecuted pastor from the strange mythical country of BULGARIA! It really does exist!

You've read the stories, now see one of them with YOUR OWN EYES!

You're kids will be amazed! Your spouse won't believe you! Your colleagues will be jealous!

And to top it all off, we'll be having FREE PIZZA FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!"