Hanger Clips

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Still haven't seen Narnia

I'm sure the 3 people who read this blog have all already seen Narnia. And, I'm guessing you all enjoyed it. We haven't seen it yet. Mostly because we have been away, and we have two young kids, and trying to see any movie is hard. But. I also have some mixed feelings about seeing a movie version of a book that I resonated so deeply with as a child. I am hesitant to let a movie supplant the Narnia I have already created in my own imagination.

Anyways, along these lines, this article was recommended to me by a friend. Interesting perspective. Let me know what you think. I haven't seen the movie yet, but he raises some interesting points.

A Tale of Two Kitties

I am too tired right now to offer my own commentary :-)


  • Thanks for the article reference. If Aslan is commercialized, it will not be the first time in history that the attempt has been made to reduce Christ to a manageable size.

    Read Tom Howard's Christ the Tiger (one of my favorite books). It is autobiograpical and talks about how Christ broke through the evangelical world in which he was raised.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:49 PM  

  • Thanks for the book suggestion. I will add it to the list, although right now I have to read a 300 page book every two weeks for one of my classes, so external readings are limited...

    By Blogger Jonathan Ziman, at 5:38 PM  

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